One-to-One Support or Support Groups
Discover if coaching is right for you by booking a 20-minute complimentary Discovery call. Let us chat and learn about the challenges you’re facing. Then, let us just take it from there! You don’t have to commit. It is totally free and you have nothing to lose!
Once we are a fit as a coach and client, one-to-one sessions are held via online or face to face. Please note that face-to-face coaching is only currently available to female clients living in Jeddah.
To reap the seeds of any program, it is best to commit to several sessions at once. Progress doesn’t come overnight, though I assure you will feel the difference since session one.
Support group for women who have been divorced for less than a year. Particular emphasis on moving forward. Schedules and program will be announced soon.
Different age-appropriate support groups for children whose parents are divorcing or have been divorced. Curriculum is delivered through activities and exercises delivered by professionals
Support group for newly divorced dads dealing with issues such as emotions, communication with ex, co-parenting, and more …